[外匯 Forex]




第一種做法,也是最普遍做法:「將平台移到美國海外的國家」,並要求其客戶們的帳戶移往其海外的公司。美國嘉盛 FOREX.com 移往英國註冊,就是一個典型的例子。

另一種作法就是像 Interbank FX,堅持把公司留在美國國內,但是使用其專利的後台作業方式,在客戶的交易日誌上作手腳,讓客戶的交易日誌表面上符合2-43(b)

所以現在Interbank FX交易日誌就有兩種囉!第一種是給NFA(美國期貨協會)看的正式交易日誌,第二種是讓客戶可以從平台公司網站或其交易平台看到的非正式交易日誌。所以他們號稱他們的平台也完全符合2-43(b)

不過當我今天早上試著用 Interbank 平台下對沖單時,還是不能被執行。當我已經有 1 手 USDJPY 的賣單時,不論再下 1 手或 0.5 手 USDJPY 的買單,都會出現「Hedge is prohibited (禁止對沖)」的交易單訊息。

[外匯]Interbank 平台禁止「雙向下單」

[外匯]對沖單的處理方式: MT4 Build 225


新加坡發表自動交易軟件現場盛況 - 2009年5月21日 (點選連結)

[外匯]JFL TOF-EA 自動交易軟件4年歷史績效: 20050103~20090327

[外匯]JFL TOF-EA 自動交易軟件績效: 真實帳戶 20081201~20090217
[外匯]JFL TOF-EA 自動交易軟件績效: 20090101~20090720

類神經網路,主動學習的類神經網路自動交易軟件 - 3年 4000%的投報率


[外匯] JFL TOF-EA 自動交易軟件問答集 Q & A

下文引自 Interbank FX 網站公告 (連結這裏):

Interbank FX Announces Compliance with the New NFA FIFO Rule, Retaining All Platform Order Functionality Including Expert Advisors

Interbank FX Announces Compliance with the New NFA FIFO Rule, Retaining All Platform Order Functionality Including Expert Advisors

Interbank FX's proprietary backoffice solution offsets positions adhering to FIFO rule

Salt Lake City, July 20, 2009 — Interbank FX (IBFX.com), a worldwide provider of online foreign currency (Forex/FX) trading, announced today a solution for NFA Compliance Rule 2-43 affecting all NFA regulated Forex brokers.

Using our proprietary backoffice solutions, Interbank FX will allow our Meta Trader 4 platform to remain 100 percent compliant, while retaining order functionality and flexibility for customers trading. The MT4 platform will continue to function as our customers have experienced over the last several years. This includes the ability for customers to use fully functional Expert Advisors, Stops Losses, Take Profits, Trailing Stops and Limit Orders without making any needed adjustments.

"Certain US competitors have decided that their solution to the new FIFO rules are to move their customers overseas, rather than being compliant," said Todd Crosland, Chairman and President of Interbank FX. "At Interbank FX, we have embraced the NFA's efforts to help protect customers and provide a seamless solution without any changes to their current trading strategies."

The only modification for customers will be their daily and monthly account statements, coming directly from the proprietary Interbank FX backoffice system using NFA FIFO offsetting procedures. The FIFO rule takes effect beginning July 31/August 1, 2009.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does FIFO apply to all of my trades?

A: First in / First out applies ONLY to trades of the same currency pair and position size.

Q: Will my Expert Advisor still work?

A: All of your Expert Advisors will continue to work with all of your pre-programmed stops, limits and trailing stops.

Q: Will I still be able to use Stops and Limits, Trailing Stops and Take Profits?

A: Absolutely - With the IBFX solution, you won't have to make any changes from the way that you are currently using MetaTrader4. No need to make any adjustments to Stops and Limits, Trailing Stops or Take Profits in your MetaTrader 4 platform. FIFO offseting will occur for all of your trades and proper accounting will be managed by Interbank FX's proprietary back office and reporting system.

Q: Will I still be able to close any of my orders of the same currency pair in any order in MetaTrader4?

A: With the IBFX solution, your trade management will still be fully functional in the MetaTrader 4 platform without you having to make any changes to your current trading strategies. Interbank FX's proprietary back office and reporting system will offset your trades FIFO as required by NFA Compliance Rule 2-43.

Q: How will this affect my daily statements?

A: Interbank FX Official Statements will come directly from Interbank FX’s proprietary back office system using our FIFO offsetting and accounting procedures. These statements will be accessible through a client’s Web Site Login. You will still be able to pull an Unofficial Trade Journal using the Trade Journal feature within the IBFX website. You will also be able to produce Unofficial Trade Journals using MetaTrader 4 as your Trade Manager.
You will notice on the Interbank FX Official Statements that the trades have been opened and closed in a FIFO compliant manner, while this may not be the case on your Unofficial Trade Journal.

Q: Does this NFA rule apply to all U.S. based brokers?

A: Yes, this rule affects any broker in the U.S. that is a member of the NFA. Other brokers have attempted different approaches to this new ruling. We at Interbank FX strive to make trading in the forex market as simple as possible for our clients, all the while in full compliance with the NFA.

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