[外匯 Forex] 根據美國勞工部2010 年05月7日美東時間08:30am (台北時間08:30 pm) 發佈的數據: 美國4月總失業人口為 1530萬人,失業率9.9%,高於經濟學家先前預期的9.7%。意味著美國勞動力市場仍需較長時間才能復元。 | |
而非農業就業人口增加29萬人,優於預期,如右圖。右方失業率及非農業就業人口統計圖摘自美國勞工部網站PDF 文件。 Current Population Survey(CPS) 新聞連結。 美國勞工局消息原文摘錄:「Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 290,000 in April, the unemployment rate edged up to 9.9 percent, and the labor force increased sharply, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in manufacturing, professional and business services, health care, and leisure and hospitality. Federal government employment also rose, reflecting continued hiring of temporary workers for Census 2010. | |
Household Survey Data
In April, the number of unemployed persons was 15.3 million, and the unemployment rate edged up to 9.9 percent. The rate had been 9.7 percent for the first 3 months of this year. (See table A-1.)
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for whites (9.0 percent) edged up in April, while the rates for adult men (10.1 percent), adult women (8.2 percent), teenagers (25.4 percent), blacks (16.5 percent), and Hispanics (12.5 percent) showed little or no change. The jobless rate for Asians as 6.8 percent, not seasonally adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)
The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) continued to trend up over the month, reaching 6.7 million. In April, 45.9 percent of unemployed persons had been jobless for 27 weeks or more. (See table A-12.)
Among the unemployed, the number of reentrants to the labor force rose by 195,000 over the month. (See table A-11.)
2010年02月 | 2010年03月 | 2010年04月 |
9.7 % | 9.7 % | 9.9 % |
USDJPY美元兌日圓: 受美股烏龍影響,美元/日圓單日大跌600點至87.95附近,但隨後已逐步反彈500點,在美國公佈非農業就業人口前的價位為92.62,數據公佈後上攻60點至93.20,但隨後曾再跌近230點。
EURUSD 歐元兌美元:受美股烏龍影響,歐元/美元跌幅有近300點至1.2520附近,但隨後已逐步反彈近200點,在美國公佈非農業就業人口前的價位為1.2740,數據公佈後最多曾跌近130點至1.2607。
GBPUSD 英磅兌美元:受英國大選及美股烏龍影響,英磅/美元前日跌幅有600點以上。美國的非農數據對英磅而言反而是小振盪,數據公佈前的價位為1.4726,公佈後的振盪在上下100點以內。
USDCHF 美元兌瑞郎:此次美國的非農數據對瑞郎而言亦是小振盪,數據公佈前的價位為1.1088,公佈後的振盪在上下80點以內。
AUDUSD 澳幣兌美元:澳幣前日跌幅約400點,美國非農數據公佈前價位為0.8905,公佈後最大跌幅約100點。
USDCAD 美元兌加幣:美元/加幣前日高點1.0742,美國非農數據公佈前價位為1.0360,公佈後最大漲幅約200點。
⊙ 美國「非農業就業人口」公佈時間
⊙ [外匯][非農夜]美國3月失業率9.7%,連三個月持平:2010/04/02消息
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⊙ [外匯][非農夜]美國7月失業率意外下滑至9.4%: 2009/08/07消息
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⊙ [外匯][非農夜]美國4月失業率續創新高至8.9%: 2009/05/08消息
⊙ [外匯][非農夜]美國2月失業率飆升至8.1%: 2009/03/06消息